Are you sure it's on the top shelf???

Models Sean Anwyl & Rachel Swallows 

Couples Pose C-420 @ The Mainstore
Bento pose comes with two sizes. Curvy and Regular. Two variations in pack

The Willing Wife Dress @ The Fetish Fair
Mainstore after the event
Sizes: Bombshell, LaraX, Legacy, Perky, PetitX, Reborn & Waifu
Fatpack Texure HUD, Transparency On & Off on the HUD

Rachel wears: Reborn Body with Waifu, Lelutka Raven Head, Skin by Boataom, Sibilla Vipra Feet for Reborn with Stilettooey Heels, Caprice Queen of Hearts nipple piercings, Hair by Shi, Tattoo by Vegas, 


Model Rachel Swallows
Roxanne Dress & Collar @ FaMESHedX
Sold Separately
Sizes; Bombshell, LaraX, Legacy, Reborn & Waifu
100% Original Mesh, Materials enabled, 3 Transparency options, Scripted sparkles.
Also wearing from Madame Noir, Morgana Earrings &  Dalia Stilettoo Shoes from the Mainstore
Reborn Body, Lelutka Head, Hair by No-Match, Makeup by Saint

Model Kimmi
Crystal Dress @ The Mainstore
100% Original Mesh, Materials enabled, 3 Transparency options, Scripted sparkles, Fatpack Texture HUD, Each single pack has a customizable & materials hud.
Sizes: Reborn + Juicy + Waifu, Legacy + Perky & Lara X

Male Model: Mr Swallows wears suit by Mazzaro, Elvis Shoes by Simply Foxy, Rings by RAWR



Yuko OutfitKimono & Socks @ The Mainstore
10 Textures + 5 Fatpack Exclusives
Styles, Open breast option & Pull to the side
(perfect for TGirls too, see last pic) pantie option
SIZES: Maitreya, Legacy/Perky, Kupra/Kups/Flat, Reborn,Waifu
Also works with Dios Puss, Kupra Camel Toy and Phat Pussy


Si vis pacem, para bellum.

 "If you want peace, prepare for war."

Regina Dress @  The Fantasy Room Event.
Sizes: Lara X, Lara X Petite, Reborn, Waifus, Legacy Perky and Legacy BombShell, Kupra, Maitreya.
Silk or Leather Fatpacks.

Rachel wears: Reborn Body, Lelutka Avalon Head, Skin by Velour & WOW, Hair by NO Match, Headdress by Angelicus, Scrolls by Schoen.


We are such stuff as dreams are made on

"We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep.
Prospero *The Tempest* William Shakespeare"

Armi Chain Top @ FaMESHedX
LaraX, PetiteX, Reborn, Legacy Classic & Perky, GenX's
Fatpack Texture HUD
Also wearing from The Mainstore: Kiaran Nose Piercing, Lita Bindi, Amentet Earings for Evox Ears

Rachel wears: Reborn Body, Lelutka Raven Head, Body Tattoo by Vegas, Face tattoo my own, Hair by No-Match.


Animosity BDSM Cross (Male edition) @ FaMESHedX
Highly anticipated Male version of our St Andrew's Cross. Cross comes loaded with 8 unique couple poses installed inside. Copy, modify, No transfer. Blindfold and riding crop props are included with purchase. Buy poses individually or in a fatpack. Pose 1 shown.

Toxic Rose Thong @  FaMESHedX
Sizes: Anatomy, Gianni, Jake, Kario Fit/Flex/Flat, Legacy M
Can take off the thong part with the HUD
Fatpack Texture HUD
Leather Laces Anklets @ Gothcore
Unisex: Anatomy, Legacy M, Gianni, Jake, Kario & GenX, LaraX, Legacy F
Fatpack Texturw HUD
Delight Choker & Leash @ The Mainstore

Male Model wears: Legacy Body, Lelutka Skyler Outfit, Skin by Not-Found, Hair by No-Match, Tattoo by Mr Razor

Ari Outfit @ The Mainstore
Waifu Boobs UPDATE!
Top & Belt/Panties/Gloves (gloves not shown)
Female/ Bulge & Pull to the Side Options, Shine On & Off Options, 
Sizes: Maitreya, Kupra - Kups- Flat, Legacy-Perky, Reborn - Waifu, Freya
Fatpack Texture HUD

Female Model wears: Lelutka River head, reborn body, Mila Skin, Lingerie, Hair by No Match
Sibilla Vipra Feet

Sunny wears:
Lelutka River head, reborn body, Mila Skin, Sibilla Vipra Feet & Shoes

Adult Version


Couples Pose 274 @ The Mainstore
Comes with Scooter Prop with pose, also individual pose balls

male model
Max Pants @ Alpha
Shorts with separate underwear, towel hangng from shorts to the side
High quality original mesh design.
Fitted for [Inithium] Kario, Legacy, Belleza, Signature
12 pants colors, 10 lower pants and underpants colors, 10 lace and tower colors!
Wanted Top @ The Mainstore
Fitted for [Inithium] Kario (fit & flex), Legacy, Belleza, Signature
12 pants colors in fatpack Texture HUD

Male Model wears: Legacy, Lelutka Skyler Head, Skin by No-Match, Hair with Hat by Modulois

Female Model
Belle @ Uber
Dress and matching Cowboy style Boots
Sizes: LaraX, Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn, Bombshell
Fatpack Texture HUD and Opacity for Dress.

Female Model: wears: Reborn body, River head, Mila Reborn body skin, Mila Nayeli head skin, Shape by CRS, Eye Applier by Saint, Hair by Studio Exposure, Earrings by RAWR


Well, no one's ever gonna crush your spirits
You'll always know where you stand
When they doubt, you just keep it moving
I know it's all in your hands

Rita Outfit @ The Kinky Event
One piece trouser suit with flared shoulder frills.
Sizes: LaraX, PetiteX, Legacy, Bombshell, Perky, Reborn & Waifu
Fatpack Texture HUD
Aerie Heels @ The Mainstore
Spiked Heels
Sizes: Legacy, Reborn, Kupra, Khara, Maitreya, LaraX, GenX, Prims
Fatpack Texture HUD

Rachel wears Reborn Body with Waifu, Lelutka Raven Head, Skin by Boataom, Hair by No-Match

Wall panel by Square, Cabinet by Kraftwork, Pose by Lyrium



Couples Poses C-388 @ The Mainstore
Curvy and Regular fit
Bali Sofa with D's Kink @ The Mainstore
with matching Arm Chairs and Ottoman sold separately.
Amazing menus of  Adult & PG Animations

Mizuki Shibari Rope @ The Reborn Event
Sizes: LaraX, PetiteX, Reborn & Waifu, Maitreya & Petite/Flat, Legacy, Perky, Petite, Kupra & Kupra Bimbo.
Fatpack Texture HUD

Rachel wears: Reborn Body with Waifu, Lelutka Avalon Head, Skin by WOW & Velour, Tattoo by Vegas, Hair by Truth.

Male Model Sunny Swallows