Tactical Drone Market Place and Inworld Store
Omg this is so much fun!
The drone is an RC vehicle with many advanced features
Weapons and streamline handling, advanced flight engine to accurate simulate the flight behaviour of a helicopter, with 3 cinematic cameras system for a real flying simulation & Mobile control unit prop with built-in animation.
Key features:
- controller HUD
- advanced flight engine
- cinematic cameras (cams are as smooth as possible in SL for RC vehicles)
- driver / passenger system with animations
- vehicle mode - sit on the drone to activate. Drive it like a vehicle
- auto land and return functions
- lock / unlock (from unwanted passengers)
- weapon system with slight push (NUKE, cluster swarm, bomb). Fire with LMB
- chat relay (chat through the drone in the local chat)
- phantom mode (fly through objects and obstacles)
- gps locator
Valkyrie Outfit @ Forbidden Friday @ Mainstore
Boots, Catsuit and Mask, perfect for super hero or sci fi roleplay, Maitreya Only
Pick up your Forbidden Friday HUD here

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