Quiteria Outfit @ FaMESHedX
Sheer silk high waisted shorts eith flared sleeves.
Sizes: LaraX, Legacy & Reborn. Fatpack Texture HUD.

Orchid Necklace @ The Mainstore
Fitted for: GenX's, Gianni, Jake, Legacy M&F, Maitreya, Reborn & Unrigged
Fatpack Texture HUD

Equida Nipple Piercings @ The Mainstore
Toggle parts and colour with the HUD
Sizes: Petitex, Larax, Lega, Perky, Khara, Kupra, Reborn, Waifu.

Rachel wears: Rachel wears: Reborn Body with Waifu Boobs, Lelutka Avalon Head, Skin by WOW & Velour. Hair by Truth.

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