Barstool & Table @ The Mainstore
Land Impact: 7 LI, Animations: 284,  Color change with HUD: 6 wood, 6 metals, 6 leather,
+ NEW 9 marble, 9 metal, 9 leather colors included.
The menu of the barstool & table set is designed for two couples that wants to talk, tease and have sex as a couple, close to another couple, or switch partner. All happens very close around, and on the table, so it creates a very sexy intimate atmosphere.

1 to 4 avatars.

It is a combined linked set with 3-4 barstools and a high table. The stools are not included as separate pieces as it wouldn't fit with where the animations are positioned.

Set up to work with two couples, the order of seats is F-M-F2-M2. But of course not all seats need to be used, it works as well for one couple or 3 sitters.

Also, I added the opposite sex solo sits for each seat too, to increase the usability to fit tgirls, femboys or more than two sitters of same gender. 

The menu of the barstool & table set is designed for two couples that wants to talk, tease and have sex as a couple, close to another couple, or switch partner. All happens very close around, and on the table, so it creates a very sexy intimate atmosphere. 

//////////////    Menu      ////////////////

**** Solo  **** 

The solo seats of the set is perfect to use alone or with others.  It includes nice barstool sits, stands and table sit poses for the females at seat 1 and 3. Both pg and adult masturbation animations for all.

****  Couples **** 

Sweet cuddles for both couples can be played at same time. Easy to swap between couples. 

Table cuddles, stand cuddles and stool sit cuddles for first couple (F / M - seat 1 and 2)

Stand cuddles and stool sit cuddles for first couple (F2 / M2 - seat 3 and 4)

****  Adult **** 

- MF sex poses for both couples are positioned around and on the table, with easy swap between the couples. There are foreplay, Lick, BJ, Ride, Other, and Finish categories. 

****  Clean **** 

Cleaning of cum poses, works with "It's not mine-cum layer system" and will remove the cum, like a shower would.

//////////////    Tip      ////////////////

* To change which default friend pose that plays when more than one is sitting, open the 'Autoplay' script and replace "Chill" with another name of a pose exactly as you see it in the menu. Or, remove the script if you do not want any autoplay pose for all sitters together.

* Due to the different heights that an avatar can have, some will find themselves either floating a bit above or inside the chair. instead of repositioning every pose you can quickly solve that by the "Quick preferences" hover height value.

//////////////    Features     ////////////////

* Comes with full perm Ankle HUD to fix those annoying foot bends some animation can give in high feet shape. Click button to get it, and feel free to share it around.

* High quality original mesh and textures created by the designer of Lalou.

* Color change by HUD. (All, Owner or Group access)

* Materials enabled.

* The V Bento Vagina compatibility, automatic animation of vagina.

* The Physics Cock/"The P" compatibility, automatic tilting of the P cock.

* Aeros Cock compatibility, automatic tilting of the Aeros cock.

* INM, It's not mine Cleaning included (no need to take a shower after if it gets hot)

* The furniture comes with homemade and original textured props

* Automatically attached wearable props (when experiences is enabled at land, and accepted by the user)

* Easy to adjust positions with the menu buttons or with the included helper prims.

* Handpicked animations from some of the best SL animators.

* Avsitter 2 engine, no poseballs

* INM and Aero can be disabled from Adjust button in the menu

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